Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Burgess Biography: Nature's Ambassador by Christie Lowrance

I am pleased to announce the publication of Christie Lowrance's new biography of Thornton W. Burgess. It is the first truly comprehensive Burgess biography. (Even TWB's own Now I Remember is more a series of memoirs than a true life story).

A careful reader of this blog and other existing accounts of his life will already have the broad outline of TWB's work and its significance. (Indeed, this blog is acknowledged (and recommended) as a useful resource [Thanks, Christie!]). Lowrance's special contribution (beyond putting everything in a cohesive package) is more access to Burgess the man (she draws extensively from his journals and correspondence) and more evidence about his legacy (she interviewed dozens of people [including me], some of whom knew TWB personally). I think she makes a compelling case that Thornton W. Burgess deserves more credit than he currently receives for influencing our relationship with the natural world.

At any rate, it is highly recommended and available through the Burgess Society website.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Page: Burgess Bedtime Story posts

To make it easier for future readers to make it through the 50-plus Burgess Bedtime Story posts, I have constructed an index page. Readers, of course, can already navigate from year to year simply by following the "older post" and "newer post" links at the bottom of each post. Nevertheless, I thought it might be useful for readers looking for a particular year to have a full linked list. The page does not include posts that are about things other than the stories themselves.